Pantry Build
I’m wrapping up the pantry build today. Building something like this is a first for me. A lot of Youtube learning went into this. I first planned the whole thing out in Blender 3D. Getting the measurements right is crucial as the primary slide comes in just in front of the pantry. I opted for…
We’ve struck GOLD!!! No, no, that’s MOLD ?
The last couple of months we’ve been in South Florida, mooch docking at my Mom’s place. They are awesome, BTW. Everyone needs awesome parents. While we’re parked, we are renovating the RV that we bought in October. When I bought the RV, I noticed a soft spot in the floor. The seller assured me that…
Our 5th wheel purchase and renovations.
Welp, we’re back in FL after our first ~4 month journey as full time nomads! It was SUPER full, lots of ups and downs, all of which would have made riveting blog material! But, uhhh… I failed to write about any of it. Blogging is off to a great start! Ha ha.. ? Moving on.…
Minifying Family Life into an RV
It’s taking way longer to move out of the house than I thought. We’ve had to sort through decades worth of accumulated stuff. From the attic, to closets, to drawers, we accumulate “stuff”, just irrelevant “stuff”. Stuff that we keep because we might need some day. Stuff that holds some memory of some achievement, some…
Finding and buying an RV
A major task that has been consuming my time lately is finding our new home. My family and I currently own a Grand Design 2800BH Travel Trailer, which we’ve camped in over the last ~3 years. So far, our longest trip was ~5 months long. So, we know we can consistently go at least that…
From stability to adventure: RVing as a solution to layoffs.
As I sit here writing this, I experience a mix of heavy emotions. Last Tuesday, I was laid off after seven years of working for the same company. It seems there are a lot of layoffs across several software companies recently. I was making good money. But now, without that regular income, we’ve got a…
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